Climate Change: From Gathering Evidence to Implementing Interdisciplinary Solutions KANG Jing, Assistant Professor

Figure 1: Dynamic Mapping of GLOBAL LAND–OCEAN TEMPERATURE INDEX Data source: NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies Source: NASA/GISS I have a background in global environmental change. Roughly a decade ago, when I was first acquainted with climate change concepts, I started trying to verify information and gather evidence. At that time, even though a consensus had been already established among members of the scientific community regarding climate change (IPCC 2022), several debates persisted at societal and political circles, hindering the access of the public to the growing body of evidence. Since at that time daily life was not being immediately impacted by climate change, people were unable to comprehend the ongoing changes and their potential impacts. Therefore, initially, I mainly focused on conducting evidence-based research on climate change, using specifically satellite observations to detect and analyze changes on large scales. After thorough investigations, I was able to gather substantial evidence that, compared to changes in historical settings, contemporary changes, including the melting of glaciers at the poles, rising sea levels, and global warming, are indeed exceptional. In the last few years, the effects of climate change have started to impact daily life too through extreme heat and drought during summer, extreme precipitation events, floods, etc.; hence, people are beginning to feel—and pay more attention to—the effects of climate change. Figure 1: Dynamic Mapping of GLOBAL LAND–OCEAN TEMPERATURE INDEX Data source: NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies Source: NASA/GISS Based on these initial explorations, the core of my current research comprises two important tasks: One is to determine which measures can be effective in relation to mitigating climate change; the other is to explain the relevant phenomena and convey the necessity of taking effective climate action to policymakers and the general public. This second task requires interdisciplinary […]

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