Gov. Inslee signs Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 1181 at the Horn Rapids Solar Farm in Richland, WA, May 3, 2023. Cities and counties planning under the Growth Management Act must have a climate element as part of their comprehensive plan. This page provides information on planning guidance, grants and other resources for developing a climate element that mitigates greenhouse gas emissions and builds community resilience. Gov. Inslee signs Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill No. 1181 at the Horn Rapids Solar Farm in Richland, WA, May 3, 2023. Planning for climate change Legislation signed into law in 2023 ( HB1181 ) added a climate goal to the Growth Management Act (GMA) and requires local comprehensive plans to have a climate element. Climate elements must maximize economic, environmental, and social co-benefits and prioritize environmental justice in order to avoid worsening environmental health disparities. A climate element can take the form of a single comprehensive plan chapter or be integrated into several chapters/elements such as housing, transportation, and land use. Intermediate guidance Commerce has prepared intermediate climate element planning guidance and a list of more than 200 model climate goals and policies that jurisdictions can integrate into their comprehensive plans. Cities and counties with a 2025 comprehensive plan periodic update deadline will be the first cities required to have a climate element and should use the intermediate guidance. Intermediate guidance – Updated Jan. 2024 (PDF) Intermediate guidance Overview (PDF) Intermediate guidance FAQ (PDF) 2023 Climate Law HB 1181 – FAQ (PDF) Translated versions and appendices Climate policy explorer Use the Climate Policy Explorer to search more than 200 model climate measures and more than a 100 planning resources using multiple criteria. Refer to the climate policy explorer user guide to learn how to use the Climate Policy Explorer. Who must […]