(Image credit: Johnny Johnson via Getty Images) In the fight against climate change scientists have invented some weird and wonderful ways to cut greenhouse gases, stop glacier melt and shade the powerful rays of the sun to reduce the planet’s surface temperature. The future of Earth relies on humankind’s ability to curb our reliance on fossil fuels — and ultimately use fewer natural resources. Here are 32 of the weirdest ways scientists have suggested to combat climate change. Artificial volcanoes (Image credit: Henryk Welle via Getty Images) To slow global warming, scientists have proposed creating artificial volcanoes to form an enormous “heat shield” that reduces Earth’s temperature. The “Pinatubo strategy” involves launching jets into the stratosphere that release sulfur compounds, which reflect sunlight away from the Earth — mimicking the natural impact on the atmosphere as a volcanic eruption. In 2011, as part of the three-year Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering (SPICE) project, scientists from the U.K. used a giant pipe and balloon in a field experiment that injected particles into the stratosphere to generate cooling. LATEST VIDEOS FROM livescience Live Science Wrap Greenland in a reflective blanket (Image credit: Paul Souders via Getty Images) Scientists have explored wrapping Greenland in a massive, reflective blanket to slow the rate of glacier melt. In 2009, climate scientist Ken Caldeira at the Carnegie Institution for Science suggested that reflecting sunlight away from various regions — mostly in the Arctic — could reduce the warming effect and glacier melt. In the Discovery series “Ways To Save The Planet” which aired in 2009, scientists led by glaciologist Jason Box use reflective, white polypropylene blankets to cover glaciers and test the theory. Feed livestock garlic (Image credit: Catherine Falls Commercial via Getty Images) Livestock is the world’s largest producer of methane — a […]