Author name: Dhrona

DAILY DIGEST, 9/23: Drinking wastewater, building an island from scratch and creating an urban forest: 3 bold ways cities are already adapting to climate change; How better data is helping to improve water management in CA; Governor signs AB 460, plastic bag ban; SoCal: Environmental permit you never heard of could clean, or foul, local waters; and more ...

DAILY DIGEST, 9/23: Drinking wastewater, building an island from scratch and creating an urban forest: 3 bold ways cities are already adapting to climate change; How better data is helping to improve water management in CA; Governor signs AB 460, plastic bag ban; SoCal: Environmental permit you never heard of could clean, or foul, local waters; and more …

DAILY DIGEST, 9/23: Drinking wastewater, building an island from scratch and creating an urban forest: 3 bold ways cities are already adapting to climate change; How better data is helping to improve water management in CA; Governor signs AB 460, plastic bag ban; SoCal: Environmental permit you never heard of could clean, or foul, local waters; and more … Read More »

Webinar: Climate change before international courts – What are advisory opinions and why do they matter?

Webinar: Climate change before international courts – What are advisory opinions and why do they matter? Read More »

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