Investigate climate change in the Commonwealth

Wetlands and marshes are under threat from rising sea levels. Discover ways that climate change is impacting the Commonwealth and learn about work to adapt our landscapes to the new normal. Serome Hamlin tours Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden with Vice President of Horticulture, Danny Cox, to see how new USDA hardiness zones are challenging public gardens with earlier bloom times and new pest and disease pressure, while also providing opportunities to grow new plants in the warmer climate. Peggy Singlemann learns how marshes and wetlands can create more resilient shorelines and buffer against sea level rise in Norfolk with Mary-Carson Stiff, Executive Director of Wetlands Watch . Randy Battle shares tips to start growing in a new raised bed and Robyn Puffenbarger recommends plants that can stand wet feet to absorb runoff. Studio Extra: Mary-Carson Stiff joins Peggy in the studio to demonstrate how rain gardens work to filter runoff and shares that plants that she likes to grow.

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