Ohioans, use your voices to urge Congress to address climate change

The majority of Ohioans believe that Congress should do more to address climate change, according to a 2023 Yale Climate Opinion map . As Susan Atkinson points out in her Dec. 13 guest column, “ Seeking blame for climate change does not solve the problem ,” we all need to work together to build the political will to solve this problem. If you are one of the 58% of Ohioans who want Congress to do more to solve climate change, per the Yale analysis, make the call or write the email to let your Congressperson and senators know this. Politico reported Dec. 16 that recent bipartisan efforts at reforming permitting processes that would have helped bring new renewable energy projects online faster just collapsed in Congress . Our lawmakers need to know that the public is watching and that we want legislation like this to pass. Let’s keep the pressure on Congress to make meaningful progress on addressing climate change. This needs to be an all-hands-on-deck effort. If you care, let Congress know! Victoria McMillan, Shaker Heights

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