Three families who bike to fight climate change

Eliza Martinez keeps cool under the shady roof of her dad Shawne’s cargo bike. (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland) — by Family Biking Columnist Shannon Johnson. She previously wrote about when summer bike adventures go awry . I’ve recently been reflecting on why I started biking with my children, and how we have evolved as a biking family over the last three-and-a-half years. Biking has improved our lives and also prompted us to change our lives, a process that continues as we grow as a family that rides. Today, we bike for many more reasons than when we started. I often think, “the more we bike, the more reasons we discover for doing so!” As I was mulling over our own family’s biking journey, I asked some other local biking families to share their stories: “Why do you bike as a family?” and “Have those reasons changed over time?” A common thread immediately emerged in the answers I received: Local families who took up biking as their personal contribution to fight against climate change. While this was not the reason I started biking, I found these family bike stories to be edifying, as members of the community explained their personal commitment and major lifestyle changes to fight for a healthier environment for their children and future generations. I hope you are as encouraged to read their stories as I was. Please feel free to share your own story in the comments, or email me longer answers at (If you email me your own family biking story for possible publication, please include a photo of your family biking.) Rachel Philip Rachel at a group ride to a farmers market in Beaverton back in August. (Photo: Tina Ricks/BikePortland) Our original “why” for biking as a family was that we don’t want our […]

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